New features on hold through holidays

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New features on hold through holidays

Now that my family is all together for the holidays, work on the site is going to slow down a bit for a couple of weeks. I'm still going to be working on server maintenance and support requests, etc., but most new feature implementations will get pushed back till after the holidays.

This doesn't affect any of the regular site activities: Marisa will still be uploading new designs every day, the forums will be active, and challenges etc. will go on as usual.

Happy holidays everyone!

im glad your taking some family time! i know this has been such a big undertaking for you guys and im sure you need a break

I don't blame you one bit, Jordan... Slow down a lot & enjoy the time with your family! And Merry Christmas to you & Marisa!

I am happy tha tyou have family there with you! Have a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

Enjoy your time with them!!! Love the blog pictures Marisa's been posting on the blog. You guys are wonderful and deserve some time off!!!

Thank you so much for a wonderful site. Happy holiday!

I hope you are all having a great time