The photo for this item is incorrect

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The photo for this item is incorrect

I downloaded this item back in mid November:

went to use it today and this is what it actually looks like. (tiny polka-dots) smiley

same this with this one from early December: smiley

what my actual one downloaded looks like. (small polka-dots):

I have another one that didn't download properly:

and this is what my actual one downloaded looks like. (medium off centered polka-dots):

I've been updating them Shawna. Some of the old polka dots were actually duplicates, so I've been replacing them with new patterns.

So how will we know if the items are changing but it says we already downloaded it if we truly have downloaded it or not? I did have some that were duplicates but had different numbers so I just deleted them, thinking it must have happened before the implementation of the red phrase under the download button that shows already downloaded on each page.

It was just a few files, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. We've had a few issues with pages being deleted and our google ranking, so I've been trying not to delete things if I don't have to, particularly old pages that may be linked to.