ISO... a cropped paperclip :)

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ISO... a cropped paperclip :)

So the program I have and know well is My Digital Studio. They have a paper clip and I could download a bunch of templets from here but they are all a full size paperclip. I haven't figured out how to crop one, in my program, to look like it is on a paper with my program so I was wondering if anyone knows where I could get a templet of an already cropped paperclip. TIA

MDS should have an eraser tool that you can use to remove the part of the paper clip that appears to go behind the paper. Shouldn't be too hard to do... My trial version ran out, so I can't help more than that... Sorry.

Heather, if you send me one you want cropped, I could do it for you and send it back. hdn123 at

Heather, I use Gimp, and I do what Cat suggested, erase or photo mask erase, after I've positioned it, since I rotate it depending on some of the other things in the layout.

I hope you got the email, Heather! smiley

Heather, I got your email. Thanks so much. They're amazing! smiley I can't wait to use them!

You're most welcome!