Using Styles in Photoshop

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Thanks so very much. smiley

Thank you for this information.

Thanks for this smiley

I really needed to read this tutorial. Thank you, Marisa.

Taking this one step at a time Thanks. smiley

I apply to design in still picture after learn your nice tutorial. Wow, finally get the 100% success.

thank u

Any idea whether there is a way to do this in Photoshop Elements 13? I would love to be able to save my drop shadow. Thanks!

@Cheryl: I'm not familiar with PSE, but if you leave your question here, hopefully someone can help you out.

Thanks Marisa - I'll do that.

Thanks so much for this tutorial. After all these years, I had no idea about styles. This is going to be fun!

Another great tutorial Marisa - thank you! smiley I'm enjoying learning so many new techniques.

Very good TuTo
Thanks smiley

Oh thank you! I have purchased a few kits that had these elements attached and was unsure what to do with them. This is such a game changers. I can't wait to play

Do you have any idea how much time I've wasted over the years trying to copy and figure out what settings I have on my styles to keep them the same!

Very useful tutorial. I've had some problem with this one. But now, it's in the past

*This* answers so many questions for me.
Thank you!
