My scrapbook gift

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My scrapbook gift

The scrapbook it took me over a month to make for my husbands mom and grandmother went over really well with. They both loved the books. Which I am very happy about. I just did photos of my kids and the hubby and I since she lives in CT and we are in FL and they do not get to see us very often. Now to get my husbands done for fathers day and one for my grandmother for her birthday! My projects are never ever done!

Congrats! Good luck with the rest of your projects.

Wonderful. I've only made one scrapbook as a gift and it was very well received. You are inspiring me to do more!

What wonderful gifts! But isn't it the way... we get one project finished and another project surfaces. smiley

Sounds great, wonderful gifts that just keep on giving

Always a new one starting. A gift that keep that keeps giving and keeps the in laws off my back about the kids!

Great job! Always feels good when they are received well, too!

Well done!