Favorite Documentary

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Favorite Documentary

There are a couple post about shows on streaming services, but how about documentaries?
My favs right now are That Sugar Film (Netflix), Game Changer (Prime), The Magic Pill (Netflix),
and the Patterns of Exodus series.

We recently watched Inside Bill's Brain, which was surprisingly interesting.

Ohhh... I watched Inside Bill's Brain too, thoroughly enjoyed it. We watch a lot of documentaries, I love true crime., my husband loves anything about animals. We recently watched a documentary about eagles. It was even more enjoyable because the documentary was done about eagles in one of our close suburbs. Very cool.

I loved Inside Bill's Brain!

"Don't F$%* With Cats" changed my life.
Mind blown on the levels of depravity in society.
It's a crazy watch!!!! Don't allow the name to throw you off.

My favorite is Harry and Snowman. A wonderful story of a life changing decision to buy an old, white horse.