New Feature: Already Downloaded Items Marked in Search

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Great feature. Thank you

Thank you, I LOVE this!!!

Definitely a needed feature! Thanks so much for all the time and effort you and the team put into this site.

Is there a thread to make a suggestion for something else that might be useful?

Awesome TY

Thank you so much. This might be my favorite new feature thus far.

Thanks so much for this great feature. It will save a lot of time.

I love this new feature! Thank you so much smiley

What a blessing! Love that you did this!

Love this new feature. Thank you so much.

This is absolutely fabulous! I love it!


Such a time saver!! Thanks so much!!

Thanks so much!

Amazing! So excited to see this feature! Thank you!

Thank you Thani! I just love this feature! smiley

Very helpful!
