Live presentation - September 1st - Were you Framed?

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Live presentation - September 1st - Were you Framed?

For anyone who would like to give the live presentations a go (despite my French accent), we'll have one next Sunday, on September 1st, at 5pm Eastern time zone.

It will last one hour and you can watch from the comfort of your home.

Register here:

It is FREE.

And until the recording of this new Master Class is up (about one week after the live presentation), you can still watch the August one, "Title Work" here:

ben moi j'aime bien l'accent français...yep!!!

bon dis-donc, çà fait quelle heure çà heure de y a un truc pour convertir l'heure sur ton formulaire de meeting...mais Rome, c'est comme Paris ou pas??? et pm c'est l'après-midi???


Marina, c'est 23:00 pour toi. Oui, je sais, c'est un peu tard. Et oui, c'est la même heure que Rome.
Viens nous joindre quand même.