Got my subscription!

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Got my subscription!

I just signed up for my monthly subscription plan and I am so super excited to start downloading full bundles all at the same time now, instead of kit by kit or item by item. I am not even quite sure where to start! What about you guys? What was the first thing YOU couldn't wait to download?!

smiley Catherine

I just signed up myself a couple of days ago. The very first thing I downloaded was all the overlays. My favorite things to do with physical paper and paint are to spray paint in the yard and pull prints with my Gelli Plate. I have a pretty hefty stack of stencils and that's always the first thing I check out when I go to Michaels or Hobby Lobby. The day that I can buy digital copies of the Crafters Workshop stencils I'm going to do a literal happy dance, I'm sure of it.

The first kit I downloaded was Superlatives. I love the neutral colors in that one. The other one that stood out for me was Malaysia. Some awesome elements in that one that I can see myself using over and over again. I already had Balkins and I've never regretted that kit for a second. Such beautiful colors in that one.

All good ideas!! My problem is going to be pacing myself, haha.

Ohmygoodness, I think I spent half a day on the site finding pieces to partially downloaded kits that I knew I wanted! Now I'm just hoping all over the place like a little kid on a sugar high!

Oh my gosh, me too! Or doing a layout over two days so I could DL some of the things I wanted on one day and some on the next day, haha.

And that's exactly what its like! A kid (or an adult like myself) in a candy store! Must have all the pretty/sweet things!! weeeeeeeeee...

And I can't wait for the new designer to be revealed!! It's like Christmas!

The weird thing is: When I got my unlimited download subscription, I didn´t dowload a lot, not even on first days. I downloaded one or two full kits when they rehearsed... But knowing that I can access it anytime without spending credits made me feel soooooo relieved that I only dowload full kits when I know I´ll need more than a half of it in a short time... Other stuff I download as I go... As the site almost never goes down for a long time, I download only exactly what I need (or what I need to test on) for the layout I´m making on that moment. Yes, sometimes I do the layouts like this: Choose and treat the pictures, then choose a kit, open the papers, chose those I wanna try, download them, go to the ellies, chose, download and use... I know it´s weird, but I somehow feel free when I do it... I guess it´s because of not hoarding things....

when I got mine I didn't download a lot either, I guess I still don't. A kit or asset here and there but no major downloading haha. I guess maybe I just don't want to hoard or have an insanely massive stash! smiley

I just love being able to download the full kit and have all the pieces all at once.
All the math involved with using the daily download points was hurting my brain...
NOW, I got 99 problems and PS ain't one smiley

OMG I chuckled at the 99 problems line! you just made my night hahaha smiley

lol Tiffany... I know, right?! I honestly haven't gone insane downloading either. In fact I just downloaded my first full kit tonight. But it is so nice knowing that I just can if I want to now, and not have to calculate my credits! And I still do it a lot like you do Lorien. Part of the reason I loved (and still do) PS is because I only had to download what I needed.

Glad to know I´m not the only crazy one that just download as I go... Thought I was a kind of digiscrap weirdo :p

Hopefully you don't need to download everything, since it will always be there. It's organized better here on the site than I could ever hope to get it on my computer...I'm thinking about ditching my offline organizational system and just searching on the site when I need something...

Hahaha... Marisa: I've been thinking the same thing! Even as an uploader now, it was only the other day that I thought ..."hmmmm, I've got a little time, I should tag this batch in Picasa the same way I'm tagging them for the site!" Lol. It had been such a long time since I pulled up that

There have been a few templates, or overlays that I've found I love, as I've been working on the kits.

Wren, I don't even know a third of things you mentioned you do? What are these stencils?
I'm torn between the personal subscription and the professional. What if ONE day I want to use use a template or a mask to make something for the background of my blog? But I never do anything professional. BUT WHAT IF.

Amber, in my interpretation, you can do it without need of CU license. Also, if I´m not mistaken, people who have PU subscrpitions can download things as CU with download credits....Take a look on this site´s personal use license:

Personal Use License

This license actually covers all non-commercial use.

Please Do:

Use the item however you want for personal use!
Use the item for any non-profit, non-professional purpose (flyers, yearbooks, non-profit posters, etc.).
Adapt and remix the item, then post or give away the resulting adaptations for non-commercial use (as long as you do so for free, and you are not a professional designer).
Attribution is not required!
Please Do Not:

Use the item for commercial purposes (anything where you make money, or attached to your profession).
Distribute the item "as is" directly to others (refer them to the item's page instead).
Derivative Works Licensing:

Derivative works may be distributed under any non-commercial use license of your choice

The part I'm concerned about (and Marisa I would love your weigh in) is that if I go from amateur writer to published author. Then my website will go from personal website to professional website. Perhaps, since it's such a long dream, I should just cross that bridge when I get there?

I think you only need to select the license you need for right now. You can always upgrade later.

I just paid for my subscription, and while I'm tempted to start downloading everything I can, I think I will probably just do it as I want to use it or play with it, and try to keep them organized on my computer as I download them. But it is nice to know I can download them again if I can't find it on my computer (I really need to go through all my files and get them organized, but it's more fun to play in PS than it is to organize).