Your preferance....

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Your preferance....

Which one you prefer for enjoying leisure time - watching movie or playing games?

I personally prefer having time together with my family watching movies, it's more relaxing, and we get to spend more quality time, we love watching movies! ^_^

i prefer having a good time playing with my kids than watching a movie, we sure can play for hours, either in our backyard, inside the house or at the park, we're always playing around.. and they sure love spending time with mom and dad. smiley

Absolutely gotta be playing games! And I hate cheaters but watch out ...if I spring you cheating then you're taking on a legend and i will pull out all the stops lol

Can´t we have both? I play all kinds of games, and, sometimes, watch movies too - We don´t go to the movie theatres often anymore (once or twice a year - guess the last I saw on big screen was the first Hobbit movie, and the next will be this sequel) but we rent movies and watch on my hubby´s PC, which has a bigger screen and is close to the sofa - yes, we don´t have a TV at home smiley

Both, or read a good book smiley

It depends on who's around me. If I'm with family/friends, I like movies. My husband and I watch TV shows on demand after the kids to to bed. If I'm by myself, I like playing computer games (Farmville 2, anyone? hehehe) or reading a book.