CC: Graduation Announcements

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CC: Graduation Announcements

Constructive criticism, please...not sure if will be graduation announcements or maybe just an after-party! smiley

I love the pink one! I feel it shows more of her personality - though I have never met her other than through your postings here an on FB so I could be totally wrong.

Very nice! The only thing I have to say is the white text on the pink is a little hard to read, otherwise they look good!

I too like the pink one, but they are both very nice, so you can't go wrong!

I love the design of the pink one. smiley

I liked them both, though I agreed with someone above the text in the pink one is a little hard to read. Depending on how she wants to use them, the pink one might be great to give out to friends and the other for family.

I like the pink one best also, and agree that the white text on the pink one is hard to read. It may be easier to read full size, but I can't tell.

I love the design of the pink one. Perhaps duplicating the text layer and making the back one a dark color (black, navy, plum, etc.) or adding a 1px stroke might help it stand out just a bit more?