Have you seen this? Drawing with Sugar

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Have you seen this? Drawing with Sugar

This is so cool to watch www.youtube.com/tattoowoo and there's others with coffee. So talented!!! Have fun watching especially all you artists.

Those are very cool ... I guess he must photograph them and then start again? ....

That is neat. I love the sand drawings that are done on the light boxes. smiley

Very fun video to watch, amazing talent.

There is a guy that occasionally is on Huckabee and he draws with sand.....he does it all by hand and has a music theme playing....it is also a progressive "painting." Starts with one thing and finishes with another. He was on America's Got Talent....I like the God Bless the USA one but I found this one on animals...they are amazing:

wow that is so neat just like one I know who draw like this on the top of special cakes

WOW! So cool...very talented indeed. TY for sharing...my kids loved this video....uh oh..I better watch the sugar bowl, lol.

That's amazing...very cool indeed.

That is so cool, thanks for sharing

OMG so cool! I love our world!!