Public safety while posting to a blog

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Public safety while posting to a blog

I started a blog back in 2012. It was more to see what it was all about than any real intention on maintaining a blog schedule. I mainly posted responses to scrapbook and card challenges . It looks as though I may have to start using it again as I play with digital scrapbooking challenges.

My concern is posting public information about my daughters. What are some guidelines you use to post about your family? Do you have concerns about people tracking you down? Is that really a thing?

Thanks in advance!!!

depends on the person blogging ..... I'm not comfortable blogging about personal things ... it's like sharing things with the world you wouldn't think about sharing with your neighbour.... if you wouldn't do that ... don't blog about it. If it's a private matter .. don't blog about it. If it would compromise someone, especially a child ... don't blog about it. Blogs don't have to be about your personal life but about you have learned going through life, your art and anything else you really want others to see. I recently created two pages with a friend and her grand-daughter and I gave her ones with their names etc on it but changed it for the web version. I don't give any names as well except for known artists etc. BUT ... I do see especially younger bloggers that write about absolutely everything and feel comfortable about it. If you feel uncomfortable about it then I'd say don't write about it .. you sleep better at night.

Excellent advice, Susan. I worked in a school and every year we have an in-school field trip where we show students how much information they give out without realizing it. AND that once something goes on the world wide web, it is out there for eternity, no matter how you try to "manage" or delete photos or comments.

Great advice, Susan. I TOTALLY agree. I'm paranoid about such things. I'm always shocked at the moment by moment cataloging of young people's lives on Face Book, complete with their children's pictures. I never post pictures of my grandchildren, or anyone, and don't post personal information about where I live, birthday, etc., on Face Book.