Photography challenges

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Photography challenges

I don't know that I should do this thread here, I wasn't sure where I ought to put it. I was wondering if there could be photography challenges - with its own forum. We all need photos! So to help our photography along, if we had challenges it would be fun. There could be different themes for the challenges, or a single colour theme or nature, people, flower, pet challenges and on and on. Maybe there could be 2 step challenges, where not only do you take a photo, but you scrap it as well. Could be fun!

I'm interested in Photography challenges, but I need to know there's interest. So if this appeals to you, be sure to heart the forum post above!

Hope we can heart our own posts ...cos I just did lol

I'm certainly interested

Well, I'd love to see a photography focus. Our cameras are currently limited to phones, but hoping to soon replace our main camera.

Tips and suggestions, to me the photos have always been the focus in what I scrap.