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Recent Comments

Linda Cobbley
Linda Cobbley Thu, 09/25/2014 - 12:56

Thanks Ladies! we actually have two cats also, this little one she's all of 5-6 pounds if she's an ounce, then we have Simon he's 18 pounds if he's an ounce! I have done layouts with Simon too, and yes we are just "staff" here it is of course THEIR house!

Judy Daino
Judy Daino Thu, 09/25/2014 - 10:00

Oh my, how cute!! Love how you captured the photo and the layout is fantastic for this. Beautiful kitty. :)

Claire Carranza
Claire Carranza Thu, 09/25/2014 - 04:21

Nice layout! And your cat is adorable. I have two myself and they are spoiled...like they are the bosses of the house. Cats are the cutest so they get away with anything. lol

Jessica Dunn 🦋
Jessica Dunn 🦋 Thu, 09/25/2014 - 03:33

Love this! Kitty is really cute too. :) I had a cat once who was always sticking her tongue out like that. Funniest thing! And I think your layout looks just right ~ glad you kept it simple! lol @ Paddy ~ Ive always felt that they have it made too.

Paddy Wolf
Paddy Wolf Wed, 09/24/2014 - 16:41

don't cats have it good- just eat, sleep, play, repeat :)

tammy herzog
tammy herzog Wed, 09/24/2014 - 16:13

i like it