Any Canadians here??

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Any Canadians here??

I was just wondering if there are any other Canadians around on here. If so, where are you? I'm in Calgary. Its beautiful here right now - warm and sunny. But that could change very suddenly. I'm starting my tomato plants today, so hopefully I'll get a head start and we'll have an early spring and I'll get a nice tomato crop this year.

wow! Am I the only Canadian?? I feel special smiley

I haven't been to any around here. The Lilac festival is coming up the May long weekend though. Hopefully, the weather holds for it. Most of the festivals won't be starting up until the summer for the most part - just too cold to have outdoor events any earlier than mid May. We don't attend them usually. I don't like them much if there's a bunch of drunk people around...

I was born and raised in Saskatchewan (an American citizen born abroad), but presently live in the States.
