FREEBIES CU/PU: Libby Bryant

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Thank you so much! I love them all!!

Hi Libby! Thanks for all the neat stuff! Can you clarify the CU freebie pic? Unless it is CU4CU on the original, these great threads would only be for personal use. Thanks!

Thanks for sharing :

Thank you very much for sharing your amazing work! smiley

Thanks Laurel for pointing that out. smiley I'm 99.99% sure it is as I only use the totally free images, but will double check on that to make sure. In the meanwhile I'll take that one down and repost later. I had cut that file some time back to use in my other graphics. I also just put the older files all on cd's to make room for these new scrap graphics, LOL, but will search and find that one. Thanks again! smiley

IF anyone downloaded that file please note it's for "PERSONAL USE" until I get this clarified. smiley

Thanks Libby for all the great freebies. Really love the alphas and am going to try colouring the grey one.

Ok ladies, sorry it's taken me so long but finally back online! smiley I had a puter crash but didn't lose all my stuff, so I'm a happy camper. I knew it was coming and had been backing up files on cd's n etc. N-e-way, instead of going thru 10 or 12 cd's looking for that one pic...needle in a haystack, I just scanned my own and recreated the button threads. I had lots of other beautiful threads scanned and lost them, but I'll re-scan now that I have my system back online. smiley These aren't that good but I do have some lovelies coming soon on next scans. If you can use....

And can get them here.

I've also been busy making foam stickers of various shapes and some frayed burlap things. I'll start with the burlap items, and have 2 sets of them. This first is frayed edge burlap flower shapes, and hope you can use....

You can get these here.

This second set of frayed edge burlap items are various shapes n etc. I've also included a curled frayed edge burlap ribbon that might be fun for something? Some cute shapes in this set including a cute lil prim pine tree. smiley

And you can find them here.

I've also tried my hand at creating the wire words and think they're really sweet. I will create new beads and patterns for the chrome words to make them much better. Till then, here's what I've made.....

And you can find these here.

Now for some foam sticker shapes....and hope you can find a use for them. I'll start with the Bunnies....

And if you like, you can get them here.

Up next are my lil chics. Giggles, my son said I was giving them chicken pox....pun intended, LOL! I didn't like the plain color/textured chics so I added polka dots to them. (Thus where the chicken pox pun came from, giggles.) Hope you like and can find a use for them.

And can get them here.

Here I have some foam sticker flower shapes. I added a bead to the center to keep them from being so bland. Hope someone can use....

Get them here.

Just two more posts to go and I promise I'll quit for a while, LOL! Next are the heart stickers....

And you can get them here.

Last are the star stickers. Most of these stickers could be used for everyday scrappin use and teens are really into the stickers right now. Hope you can find a use for them.

Can get these here.

Thank you for sharing Libby!


Thank you very much Libby!

Thank you for sharing smiley

Hello again. Thank you for those cute bunnies and the crumpled flowers, love them.

Thanks so much for all the great work smiley

They are all very nice! Thank You! Bunnies are soooo CUTE!! smiley

thank you so much i downloaded them all love them so helpfull.

thank you for the freebies i love your work

Thank you so much, Libby, for all these goodies. I love your work!

Thanks for sharing these!

Hi, thanks for all the great cu downloads

Thank you for the lovely buttons & tin-cup frames!

Libby, thank you for all of the lovelies and for sharing your work with us. Your alphas are a treat!

Thank you for sharing your lovely freebies
