Martina Lukáčová's Designs

  1. "Hello summer" WordArt in a circle, with heart.
  2. Beautiful- picture frame template
  3. Summer days tag, template.
  4. Smile picture frame SVG
  1. Tree Digital Stamp 2
  2. Tree Silhouette Background Stamp 2
  3. Tree digital stamp 1
  4. Beautiful day- label template.
  1. Tree silhouette background stamp.
  2. Spring is here- label template.
  3. Game over- back to school- polaroid picture frame SVG
  4. Background stamp- circles / template
  1. March- label template.
  2. Badge template with tree silhouette
  3. Background stamp- flower and dot
  4. LOVELY in circle- stamp / sticker / template
  1. Princess word-art in sunflower- digital stamp.
  2. Princess wordart in sunflower- template.
  3. Checkered Pattern Background Stamp- Large
  4. Checkered pattern background stamp- small
  1. Bushes silhouette background stamp.