Marisa Lerin's Gallery

  1. Week 05 January 2023
  2. Week 04 January 2023
  3. Ipoh Couch Surf
  4. Away From Home
  1. Strawberry Moment
  2. You're My Cup of Tea
  3. Tea for 2
  4. In the Garden
  1. Butterfly Wonder
  2. Take Flight
  3. Flutter Wings
  4. Satay This Way
  1. Pure Delight
  2. Trip of a Lifetime
  3. Morning Light
  4. Temple of Supreme Bliss
  1. Making Tracks
  2. Smoothie Time
  3. Flight of Fancy
  4. City View
  1. Tea Time
  2. Picture Perfect- Cameron Highlands
  3. Stop & Smell
  4. In the Garden
  1. A Story to Tell
  2. Charming
  3. Splendid
  4. By Night Train
  1. Temple of Supreme Bliss 2
  2. Making Tracks 2
  3. Smoothie Time 2